Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
People throughout the world are struggling with anxiety and fears related to the COVID-19. In this challenging time, I was reminded of the words from the author of Colossians “And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful.” Col3:15NRSV. In times like this it is especially important to be reminded of the peace of Christ that rules in our hearts and be thankful. I am thankful for the picture of the people being helped by the food our church donated only a few weeks ago. I am thankful to hear the many stories of people helping others. It reminds me that Christ peace is spread through us.
Your session has prayerfully and faithfully considered how to proceed in these challenging times. They have decided that we treat this week like a snow day. This means that services will be available through Facebook Live at our regular service time, a video of the service will be available at the ESPC Youtube page and on our website shortly after the service. Additionally, we will make DVD’s for anyone who would like to pick it up or have it delivered. The service will be different than usual. It will be much shorter and will not include any music. This also means that there will be no Sunday school this week.
Please know that this was not an easy decision and that it in no way means we should fear. I pray that we remember we are the called into one body that has the peace of Christ in us. That peace is still among us. Even when we can’t be together in body, we are together in Spirit. Let us take this time to be thankful for all that God has done and continues to do in and through us.
Keep in mind if you do not have Facebook you can still join in the live stream on YouTube, below this letter, or on the Worship page.
ESPC on Facebook →
ESPC on Youtube →
If you need anything, please contact me at 610-533-5781.
In Christ Peace,
Pastor Nicki