Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
In this third week of Easter and at least week five of social distancing, Christ continues to be alive. Christ is evident in so many in our congregation. To name all the ways Christ has been evident in our congregation and in our community would be to numerous to include in a letter. Even in these troubling times this congregation is following its’ mission to be the hands and voice of God in our community. We continue to offer a place that those who struggle with addictions can find help. We continue to provide meals and financial means for many in our community. We continue to support one another and those in our community by reaching out with phone calls, cards, and more. Many are using their time and talents as well as treasures to fill the needs of our church and community. I can’t say enough how honored I feel to serve a congregation that lives into their mission as best they can.
Let us rejoice and give God the glory for being who we are called to be despite the inability to have our regular gatherings and fellowship. Who could ever have imagined I would still be writing you today to share once again that we will be continuing with our live streamed services as well as the YouTube recordings available after the service? However, for those of you who do not have accesses to the internet we have also now made available a way for you to call in and listen to the service. Simply call 929-436-2866 and when prompted enter the meeting ID 815-8681-1223#. You should then be able to hear the audio of the service. Please call to share this info with those who may not have access to this letter.
Let us remember that God’s Spirit can connect us in ways we could never have imagined ourselves. In the words of Isaiah “Trust in the Lord forever, for in the Lord God you have an everlasting rock” (Isa 26:4 NRSV) When we trust in God, we can be sure that we are together in Spirit even if we are not in body.
In His Peace,
Pastor Nicki