Letter to Congregation 08-26-2020
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
This is usually the time of year where we are preparing for the changes that come with fall. If you are a parent like me, you would normally be out shopping for schools supplies and getting excited for the new school year. Teachers and Leaders would be preparing for the programing year. Yet, this year that “normal” activity looks very different. Teachers, leaders and parents are still trying to figure things out as the time to begin school and programs comes before we even have time to prepare. It is a high stress, high pressure time that can easily cause us to lose sight of where God is in the midst of it. It is of utmost importance to see where God is in all of this. To keep the anxiety under control, so we can more clearly identify where God is at work, takes only a few minutes. Try doing just two minutes of deep breathing and prayers, slow your thoughts down and return to God. Then ask God to help you see where God is at work. Those who are playing supporting roles right now can pray and ask God to use you during this transition time in whatever way possible. For in doing this, we can follow our mission to be the voice and hands of God.
We can also find solace and return to God through corporate worship together, in whatever form it takes these days. This week, we again return to the phase 1 in person worship plan. I know many of you are asking what the new programing year will look like under this phase 1 plan. Please know that your leaders could use your support of prayers in making these final decisions and in implementing these new ways of doing things. Soon you will be hearing about more new ways we will be approaching programing such as Sunday school, fellowship and mission. Worship will remain the same until any new direction from the governor is given. This means we continue to allow 25 people in the sanctuary, which includes those leading and running technology, but overflow rooms are available to view the live stream. We also continue to stream live on Facebook and YouTube for those who can and desire to remain worshiping remotely, allowing for more room for those who cannot worship at home. Additionally, we are mailing pastor’s letters, bulletins and copies of sermons to those who have no other means of worshiping with us. Let us come together in whatever way we are able to do so in these days to take solace in the worship of an amazingly, ever constant, God.
In Christ Peace,
Pastor Nicki
Some helpful links…
Click on the link below near the time the service begins at 10:00am to watch the live stream https://www.facebook.com/espresbyterian/
YouTube recording can be found at https://www.espresbyterian.com/worship/ or https://www.youtube.com/user/ESPresbyterian
Additionally, bulletins and an online hymnal have been put on the website and can be found at https://www.espresbyterian.com/worship/sunday-bulletin/