Pastor letter 1.19.22 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Famous organizer, Marie Kondo, has a saying she uses to determine if something is worth keeping. She asks, “Does it spark joy?” This week’s sermon noted the need for us to encourage one another, rather than speak discouraging words, … [Read more...]
January 5th Letter from Pastor Nicki
Pastor Letter 1.5.22 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, I personally wanted to thank all of you who stepped up and answered the call for end-of-year giving. Your faithfulness helped us fulfill the shortfall in pledge giving referred to in my letter. This congregation, as I expected, … [Read more...]
December 15th Letter form Pastor Nicki
Letter to Congregation 12-15-2021 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Every Christmas season I am reminded about the joy of gift giving. Giving gifts began with God, who gave us all we have, who gave us the greatest gift of Jesus. When we think of gift giving, we often equate gifts to … [Read more...]
December 1st Letter from Pastor Nicki
Letter to Congregation 12-01-2021 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I have been hearing that some of you are wondering what changes are coming, what is going on with the building, how can we get more people in the church and more. To answer some of those questions begins with sharing that … [Read more...]
November 10th Letter from Pastor Nicki
Letter to Congregation 11-10-2021 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, In my continuing education class, we discussed what we prioritize to meet our different needs. Specifically, I recognized how important my morning routine of devotional and exercise is to my spiritual needs. I have often … [Read more...]
October 27th Letter from Pastor Nicki
Letter to Congregation 10-27-2021 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, In my clinical pastoral education, we are taught that the ministry of presence can be powerful. The ministry of presence is often a puzzling and misunderstood part of being a faithful disciple. Ministry of presence can be … [Read more...]
October 13th Letter from Pastor Nicki
Letter to Congregation 10-13-2021 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, In preparing for the stewardship sermon series that focuses on the spiritual tools needed for us to be good stewards of all God has entrusted to us, I came across this list of 10 principles about Christian giving that I … [Read more...]
September 29th Letter from Pastor Nicki
Letter to the Congregation 9/29/21 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I was thinking about how many mistakes I have made in my life that I would not want to be held for today. It’s natural and healthy to grow and learn from one’s mistakes. Think about something you have done in your past … [Read more...]