Letter to Congregation 05-05-2021
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
This morning I woke early, even before the sun rose, because, through my open window, was a nice breeze that brought in the chorus of birds singing. Bird’s songs are music to my ears and draw me nearer to God. Being that this woke me before my alarm, one might think I would be irritated, but I wasn’t. I was happy to hear their singing to me. The Spirit, too, had a message for me through these bird’s songs, which came to light when I opened up my email where there was one from an author friend of mine who wrote this. “Every morning the birds sing. It matters not to me why, it matters only that they are there, belting out a welcoming chorus of life, even before the darkness of night has lifted. Today I pray that I may be for another as the birds are for me every morning. These blessed songs are a reminder to me that God is near and that I am to live my life in Christ as a chorus for those who need lifting up”.
When we come together in worship, we have the opportunity to lift up God, by lifting up each other. I am excited to share that, being this Sunday is Mother’s Day, when we will be having the service outdoors. In this service, we will have the opportunity to hear a prayer, a chorus, to glorify God’s gift regarding mothers of all kinds. Who knows, maybe the birds will even grace us this Sunday morning, too. May we remember that our lives are to be a chorus that glorifies God by caring for those who need lifting up.
In His Peace,
Pastor Nicki
*If you are worshiping from home, I would encourage you to use the YouTube platform for optimal streaming quality. Additionally, feel free to sign on early no need to wait right until 10am anymore. *
YouTube: live stream and recording can be found at https://www.espresbyterian.com/worship/ or https://www.youtube.com/user/ESPresbyterian
Facebook: click on the link below near the time the service begins at 10:00am to watch the live stream https://www.facebook.com/espresbyterian/
Additionally, bulletins and an online hymnal have been put on the website and can be found at https://www.espresbyterian.com/worship/sunday-bulletin/
Ways to give- mail or drop of check/cash through no contact mail slot in office window. Drop off envelope in offering plates before or after worship services. Donate on our website by going to the home page at https://www.espresbyterian.com/ and clicking on the Donate button in the upper right corner. Designate where you would like the money to go by using the note section.