Letter to Congregation 11-11-2020
Pastor Letter 11/11/20
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
It goes without saying that 2020 is surely not what we expected. Despite its challenges, our congregants have stepped up to the plate to be who we are called to be by being the voice and hands of God and a beacon on a hill. We have introduced new ministries that meet the needs of the most vulnerable in our community and beyond. We have upgraded our technology to meet the needs of the future church and hybrid worship beyond a time of pandemic. Many have increased their giving and asked, how can I help? One thing I keep coming back to is the many words of appreciation we received regarding the adaptions and decisions made to continue living into our calling. One specifically that has moved me, even to tears, is the response to the session’s decision to keep our doors open for AA and NA. I was specifically brought to tears of joy, that only come from service and closeness to Christ, when I read a message from one of the AA members who gave an online contribution. The message of thanks noted “you have saved lives”. It reminds us that when we follow our call, even in times of pandemic, God will use it for the good of the kingdom.
We do not know what 2021 brings, but we do know we are still called to be the voice and hands of God and the beacon on a hill. We know that we can and will adapt so that more lives can be saved through ESPC’s ministry. However, to do this means continuing to give of our whole selves, even in the valley of the shadow of death and out of our joy give back to God what has always been God’s. This Sunday is pledge Sunday. As you prayerfully consider what you might give of your time, talents and treasures in 2021, remember that when we give of ourselves fully, God can do amazing things. I would encourage you to discern if the Spirit is leading you to give more of your time, talents and treasures in 2021. On Pledge Sunday, we continue with the hybrid in-person worship. This means we offer in-person worship with overflow rooms that stream the service, as well as online streaming on Facebook and YouTube. I would invite you to bring with you to your worship space, either the pledge card or just some note to God of your commitment to the mission of the church for 2021. We will have a moment in the service to dedicate all of our personal commitments to which the Spirit has lead. I look forward to this Sunday’s worship when we can commit to give back to God what has always been God’s.
In Christ Peace,
Pastor Nicki
Some helpful links…
Click on the link below near the time the service begins at 10:00am to watch the live stream https://www.facebook.com/espresbyterian/
YouTube recording can be found at https://www.espresbyterian.com/worship/ or https://www.youtube.com/user/ESPresbyterian
Additionally, bulletins and an online hymnal have been put on the website and can be found at https://www.espresbyterian.com/worship/sunday-bulletin/