Letter to Congregation 09-30-2020
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
For a while now when I tell others that I live thirty minutes from the church, I get a common response. People assume I would get bored with the drive to and from home, at least after a while. In the car ride on Sunday, I told my daughter to look around at the beautiful scenery. I told her I love driving to and from work because I could see this beauty as it changes from season to season, each one bringing new scenes, never the same, but nonetheless just as exquisite. This topic prompted a conversation about perspective. For many, driving the same route day after day could get boring and seem like more of the same. However, if one takes it from a different perspective, often new beauty can emerge. This is the same in our lives as disciples of Christ. Too often we get stuck seeing the same things again and again that we forget to look at the world as Christ sees it. In each season, our walk with Christ can bring wonderful new things if we just try to look at it with fresh eyes from different perspectives.
Perspectives are playing a role in understanding this World Communion Sunday. The Sunday in which we recognize the unity of the universal church. This year we will be celebrating with our brothers and sisters in Christ across the globe in many new ways. Even in our congregation, we are having communion in new ways. We can get stuck in the old ways of worship or we can change our perspective and embrace this new, unifying beautiful way of sharing together in the Lord’s Supper. This Sunday we will celebrate World Communion Sunday with an outdoor worship. I would invite all of you to come join us in the parking lot at ESPC to commune together in this beautiful newer way. Since communion is part of this week’s worship, I ask that you bring your communion elements to your space of worship. Remember you need not go and buy anything special, just bring what you have on hand. No matter where you are worshiping, take time to look around and see this worship from a new perspective. Who knows, you may even find the joy that God provides when we look and see the beauty that surrounds us.
In Christ Peace,
Pastor Nicki
Some helpful links…
Click on the link below near the time the service begins at 10:00am to watch the live stream https://www.facebook.com/espresbyterian/
YouTube recording can be found at https://www.espresbyterian.com/worship/ or https://www.youtube.com/user/ESPresbyterian
Additionally, bulletins and an online hymnal have been put on the website and can be found at https://www.espresbyterian.com/worship/sunday-bulletin/