We’re excited to share the new video message Children’s Sermons with you. Pastor Nicki will be posting a new video each week – just for YOU. Enjoy watching them on the church website or subscribe on YouTube!

Sunday Mornings
Sunday school is offered for children in kindergarten through 6th grade on Sunday mornings during the worship service. Children and their families begin worship together at 10am in the sanctuary. After initial prayers and hymns, children gather with the Pastor on the chancel steps for a meaningful children’s sermon specifically tailored to their age. Children especially look forward to this time as Pastor Nicki begins by “passing the Pez”, sharing candy with the children and talking with them, not at them.
The children who desire to do so are invited to the Sunday school room to learn, laugh and explore their faith together in a safe, secure environment. Children are released to their parents or caregivers after the service at the door to the Sunday school room. Because we believe children are a gift from God, and we enjoy their presence among us, children are also invited to remain with their loved ones for the worship service. Busy bags are available if they would like to make use of them.
In our Sunday school we use curriculum that is approved by the Presbyterian Church USA, which includes instruction in Bible skills, the importance of prayer and how to make good choices in a complicated world.
The Sunday school time is currently led by Ms. Kylee, whose passion for children led her to write a more interactive, fun, way of learning Bible stories that they can relate to.
Staffed Nursery
On Sunday mornings, ESPC provides a staffed nursery for infants through age 5 from 8:30 am to 11:30am The nursery houses a wide variety of age-appropriate toys, books and puzzles for your child to enjoy. In addition, our experienced staff will occasionally work on special art projects and are always ready to actively play with any little ones who come in for play time!
Preparation for Confirmation is usually offered when children are in the 6th or 7th grades (age 11 to 13). Confirmation is an opportunity of real spiritual growth as the youth begins to form his or her spiritual self. Starting this year to focus on the unity of the church we are offering a new program that allows these youth to meet with nearby youth from our sister church.
Confirmation is done during this time and they learn about the basic Christian doctrine and the history and practice of the Presbyterian Church, but they also seek to find their own understanding of who God is to them. Upon completion they will have formulated their views into their own statement of faith and make their own decision to join in the mission of the church. Upon making that choice, they are invited to be recognized and celebrated on a Sunday morning gathering. Confirmands are received into the active membership of the Church.
Shared Youth Group
When we aren’t out an about having fun, we enjoy getting into deep discussions about pressing topics for youth today. We love being with one another, sharing Christ love with each other, building lasting relationships and having lots of fun!
We invite any youth in 7th grade and up to join us. We try our best to accommodate all the youths’ schedules.