We have the opportunity to hear a transformation testimony from a former prisoner (Gene McGuire) whom God has used in powerful ways. Read an article which appeared in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette in 2012 when he was finally released from prison →

Youth Program
Thursday March 12th; 5:00 – 6:30pm
Free dinner for all followed by a powerful testimony/program from our guest speaker: Gene McGuire. All youth (6th – 12th grade), young adults, and parents are invited to participate.
Men’s Breakfast
Saturday March 14th; 8:30 – 10:00am
Free breakfast for all and a powerful testimony from our guest speaker: Gene McGuire. All men are welcome. Invite your friends/neighbors/co-workers!
Both events will be held at:
East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church
83 S. Courtland StreetEast Stroudsburg, PA 18301